
Loco Score

The most powerful value score in the market.

Leaseloco is all about letting our powerful lease comparison algorithms find you the hottest deals. You might have been in the market for a certain Audi A4 but what if you can get an equivalent spec A6 for the same price, or the BMW 3 series for £50 a month less?

Using the most powerful value based search in the market, we'll find the hottest car or van lease deals for you.

It's that simple.

Red tick
We convert an accurate value metric into a meaningful score out of 100 so it makes perfect sense what's hot and what's not.
Red tick
We adjust this metric to account for the term of the lease so a 2 year deal with the same average monthly cost as a 4 year deal is better value.
Red tick
We adjust for mileage to rebase, so a 10,000 mile p/a deal can be the same as a 15,000 mile p/a deal.

Wow, our unicorn. Have you seen one yet? Super rare, our algorithm is designed to only score a deal as 100 if it is incredible value. Rest assured, 100 deals will sell out fast as the car allocation is often limited so if you want to take advantage of a 100 deal, you've better be quick.


Crazy value! Anything in the 90s should be considered as an excellent deal. You can know with absolute confidence that leasing a deal, which we have valued in the 90s should have you grinning from ear to ear knowing you've got yourself an absolute bargain lease deal. And by bargain, we don't mean cheap, you'll still find some of the most expensive cars on the site in the 90s.


Great value. Don't be put off that there's deals in the 80s. Anything in the 80s is still amazing value. As a test to yourself, see what the car would be on a PCP deal. When we have a play around with a PCP calculator, typically the monthly payments on our lease deals in the 80s are half that of a PCP deal on a low 5% APR offer. Yes, half!


Good value. There are some cars that often don't ever see the 80s or above, but they're still really good value. So although clearly we're not ranking them as highly as others, the value can still be good for that type of car. Have a look at the historical price chart for that car. Has it taken a price cut recently? If it's the cheapest it's ever been on LeaseLoco, chances are it's a great deal for this make, model and spec.


Average value. The chances are deals in the 60s are still cheaper than a PCP deal. Have a look at the historical price chart for the deal and get a better feeling for the value. But really, are you set on this car or can you do better? We'd recommend saving the deal to your garage and we'll send you price alerts when the price drops.


Brrr, cold! Ok, so we're getting pretty chilly now. Unless you're dead set on the car you've found, we'd suggest either finding something else or saving the car to your garage to get alerts when the price drops. Many deals below 60 will still be cheaper than a PCP deal, which just goes to show you how good the value is in leasing.